Earthquake Drill

by: Lawrence Rogador

September 18, 2023

An earthquake drill happened at Saint Thomas Becket Academy on September 18, 2023. This preparedness exercise ensures that students, faculty, and staff are well-equipped to respond effectively during an earthquake. The drill occurred within the school premises, simulating a real-life scenario to help everyone understand what to do when the ground starts shaking.


During the earthquake drill, the students were instructed on the appropriate actions to take when an earthquake strikes. They practiced "Drop, Cover, and Hold On," which involves dropping to the ground, taking cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and holding on until the shaking stops. This essential knowledge helps minimize the risk of injury during an earthquake and ensures a safe environment for all individuals at the academy.


The drill was a crucial step in enhancing earthquake preparedness and ensuring the safety of Saint Thomas Becket Academy's community. It provided an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to familiarize themselves with the proper procedures and protocols for responding to seismic events, ultimately contributing to a safer and more resilient school environment.

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