Academic Year 2022-2023

“Of all the things that sustain a leader over time, love is the most lasting. The best-kept secret of successful leaders is love: staying in love with leading, with the people who do the work, with what their organizations produce, and with those who honor the organization by using its work.” — James Kouzes

Saint Thomas Becket Academy deserves leaders who embody the equation of servant leadership. People who truly care about everyone’s needs and would exert their utmost efforts into accomplishing their endeavors for their betterment People who are always ready to listen and serve as a voice for those who yearn for change. The Thomasian Government S.Y. 2022–2023 presents all of our accomplishments this year as we took on the challenge of serving deeper and leading with a servant’s heart while experiencing the transition from online distance learning to face-to-face modalities.  Thank you for such a wonderful year with you, Thomasians! Saint Thomas Becket Academy allowed us to become the best servant leaders we can be, and we hope to inspire you with our experience! Who knows? Maybe you are the future of this organization!

Duty. Honor. Respect. We are the Thomasian Government!

‘Yan ang galing ng Tomasino Beketino! 


Book Donation Drive

Buwan ng Wika

Career Day

Cleanliness Stickers

Earthquake Drill

English Fest

Eucharistic Mass

Fire Drill

Gift Giving

HS Night


Science Festival

Teachers Day Serenade

United Nations

Year End Party

Saint Thomas

Becket Academy

Administration Office

+63 046 4191387

Accounting Office:

+63 046 866 6676

Business Mobile phone:

+63 917 882 6330


[email protected]

‘Yan ang galing ng Tomasino Beketino

For the greater glory of God © All rights reserved 2021